I have an embedded an Airtable in a website with URLs that point to https locations that have pdf downloads. When the link is clicked the “https” is stripped off the url (although it is still in the Favicon on the browser tab) and the pdf will not open due to a security issue. Even dropping all security blocks will not allow the page to open. Not a problem with Edge or with Chrome or safari on iPhone. Only with Chrome on PC and Safari on Mac. The link will open if it is in the website outside of the airtable.
Update: Incognito doesn’t work; holding Ctrl (PC) or Cmd (Mac) will open the link in a new tab but stay on the main website. But it works!.
For developers: “target _top” works but “target _blank” or “target _parent” are loading but not displaying.
From the identically described issue stackoverflow.com this was suggested but didn’t work. It killed the table completely when we pasted in the iframe code:
I found something! I know your question was 2 years ago, but if you use the sandbox “allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox” in your iframe, this will work.