I’ve created a database that essentially allows me to create a call sheet (sample here) using the page design app.
I currently have two tables:
Call sheet table - lists the date as the main column. For each date, I have information such as the location, linked crew member, status etc.
Crew table - this table lists each person’s name in the main column. There’s a linked record to the dates they’re working in the call sheet table, their email, cell, and role. I’d also like to add a column for the call time, but that will vary based on the date. On Tuesday their call time might be 9:00am but on Wednesday it’s 8:30am.
Since each crew member in linked to several call sheet dates, one person may be linked to 2-4 different days of work on set. The time that people need to report to set each day varies.
I’m trying to figure out a way, in the crew tab, to assign a call time for each person for each shoot day that they are assigned.
Would you be able to assist?
I then take all this information and pull it into the page designer app to build a call sheet with each crew member for that day and their corresponding call time.