I am collecting grades for students, a few of the grade types have subcategories that need to be averaged (some of the nomenclature is strange as it’s being translated from another language). I need to calculate a “Values” score by averaging the “Honesty”, “Empathy”, “Lucidity”, Performance”, “Respect” scores. I’m trying to keep the table design very simple as we will need to eventually translate and teach non-English speakers how to use it.
Is there a way to calculate averages only for select rows, by student? (I would like to calculate a Values score and a Property Respect score by averaging the relevant subcomponents). I understand I can see it with a View, but I want to be able to calculate the actual number to put in a clean interface view.
And if I need to collect this data monthly, are the columns I have for Month/Year the best way to do that, and we would just continue adding rows?