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Script For Automatically Bulk Merging Records Based on UNIQUE/EMAIL Field - Based On Most Frequent

Hey Y'all! My name is Louis Piotti from Philadelphia. I work as the CEO of the nonprofit AfterShock Fam ( and the CTO & Co-Founder for Polaris Pathways ( and I also do custom builds for businesses from large manufacturers, festivals, workshops, and schools.

I just spend hours banging my head against a wall trying to find how to merge records similar to the De-Dupe Extension but would just do it automatically and just built it.

I shared the template for everyone to use along with all the code / prompt history in hopes that less people have to goes through 1000 records 1 by 1 on the De-Dupe extension haha





// Initialize the table and fields

let table = base.getTable("Contacts");

let query = await table.selectRecordsAsync();

let records = query.records;


// Define specific field names for non-single-line, single-select, checkbox, or attachment fields

const emailField = "Email";

const tagsField = "Tags"; // Multi-select "Tags" field

const companiesField = "Companies"; // Linked record "Companies" field

const notesField = "Notes"; // Long text "Notes" field

const birthdayField = "Birthday"; // Date "Birthday" field

const subscribedField = "Subscribed"; // Checkbox "Subscribed" field

const attachmentsField = "Attachments"; // Attachment field "Attachments"


// Get all single-line text and single-select fields in the table, excluding specified fields

let singleLineTextFields = table.fields.filter(

field => field.type === "singleLineText" && ![emailField, tagsField, companiesField, notesField, birthdayField, subscribedField, attachmentsField].includes(



let singleSelectFields = table.fields.filter(

field => field.type === "singleSelect" && ![emailField, tagsField, companiesField, notesField, birthdayField, subscribedField, attachmentsField].includes(



// Object to track records by email

let emailRecordsMap = {};


// Step 1: Group records by email

for (let record of records) {

let email = record.getCellValue(emailField);


// Skip records without an email

if (!email) continue;


// If email is already in the map, add this record to the duplicate list

if (emailRecordsMap[email]) {


} else {

emailRecordsMap[email] = [record];




// Step 2: Process duplicates

for (let email in emailRecordsMap) {

let duplicateRecords = emailRecordsMap[email];


// If there's only one record, skip to next email

if (duplicateRecords.length === 1) continue;


// Choose the main record (first one found) and initialize merge fields

let mainRecord = duplicateRecords[0];

let updatedTags = mainRecord.getCellValue(tagsField) || []; // Initialize with main record's tags

let updatedCompanies = mainRecord.getCellValue(companiesField) || []; // Initialize with main record's companies

let updatedNotes = mainRecord.getCellValue(notesField) || ""; // Initialize with main record's notes

let isSubscribed = mainRecord.getCellValue(subscribedField) || false; // Initialize subscription status

let mergedAttachments = mainRecord.getCellValue(attachmentsField) || []; // Initialize with main record's attachments


// Convert tags, companies, and attachments to sets to ensure unique entries

let uniqueTags = new Set( =>; // Track tag IDs

let uniqueCompanies = new Set( =>; // Track company IDs

let uniqueAttachments = new Set( =>; // Track attachment IDs


// Set to track unique notes content to avoid duplicates

let uniqueNotes = new Set();

if (updatedNotes) {

uniqueNotes.add(updatedNotes); // Start with the main record's notes



// Initialize dictionaries to count occurrences of each value for single-line text, single-select fields, and birthday

let singleLineCounts = {};

for (let field of singleLineTextFields) {

singleLineCounts[] = {};



let singleSelectCounts = {};

for (let field of singleSelectFields) {

singleSelectCounts[] = {};



let birthdayCounts = {}; // Track occurrences of each birthday


// Iterate through duplicates to count values and merge other data

for (let record of duplicateRecords) {

// Count occurrences for each single-line text field

for (let field of singleLineTextFields) {

let fieldValue = record.getCellValue(field);

if (fieldValue) {

singleLineCounts[][fieldValue] = (singleLineCounts[][fieldValue] || 0) + 1;




// Count occurrences for each single-select field

for (let field of singleSelectFields) {

let fieldValue = record.getCellValue(field);

if (fieldValue) {

singleSelectCounts[][] = (singleSelectCounts[][] || 0) + 1;




// Count occurrences for "Birthday"

let birthday = record.getCellValue(birthdayField);

if (birthday) {

birthdayCounts[birthday] = (birthdayCounts[birthday] || 0) + 1;



// Check "Subscribed" - if any duplicate has it checked, set isSubscribed to true

if (record.getCellValue(subscribedField)) {

isSubscribed = true;



// Merge "Tags" - accumulate unique tags from duplicates

let tags = record.getCellValue(tagsField) || [];

for (let tag of tags) {

if (!uniqueTags.has( {






// Merge "Companies" - accumulate unique companies from duplicates

let companies = record.getCellValue(companiesField) || [];

for (let company of companies) {

if (!uniqueCompanies.has( {






// Merge "Attachments" - add unique attachments only

let attachments = record.getCellValue(attachmentsField) || [];

for (let attachment of attachments) {

if (!uniqueAttachments.has( {






// Merge "Notes" - add unique notes only

let notes = record.getCellValue(notesField) || "";

if (notes && !uniqueNotes.has(notes)) {


updatedNotes += (updatedNotes ? "\n\n" : "") + notes; // Separate with a line break if there's existing text




// Step 3: Determine the most frequent value for each single-line text field

let singleLineUpdates = {};

for (let field of singleLineTextFields) {

let mostFrequentValue = "";

let maxCount = 0;

for (let value in singleLineCounts[]) {

if (singleLineCounts[][value] > maxCount) {

maxCount = singleLineCounts[][value];

mostFrequentValue = value;



singleLineUpdates[] = mostFrequentValue;



// Step 4: Determine the most frequent value for each single-select field and format it as an object

let singleSelectUpdates = {};

for (let field of singleSelectFields) {

let mostFrequentValue = "";

let maxCount = 0;

for (let value in singleSelectCounts[]) {

if (singleSelectCounts[][value] > maxCount) {

maxCount = singleSelectCounts[][value];

mostFrequentValue = value;



// Set the most frequent value as an object with the `name` key

singleSelectUpdates[] = mostFrequentValue ? { name: mostFrequentValue } : null;



// Step 5: Determine the most frequent birthday

let mostFrequentBirthday = "";

let maxBirthdayCount = 0;

for (let date in birthdayCounts) {

if (birthdayCounts[date] > maxBirthdayCount) {

maxBirthdayCount = birthdayCounts[date];

mostFrequentBirthday = date;




// Step 6: Update main record with merged data

await table.updateRecordAsync(, {

...singleLineUpdates, // Update all single-line text fields with most frequent values

...singleSelectUpdates, // Update all single-select fields with most frequent values

[birthdayField]: mostFrequentBirthday, // Update birthday with most frequent date

[subscribedField]: isSubscribed, // Update subscribed status if any duplicate has it checked

[tagsField]: updatedTags, // Update tags field with all unique tags combined

[companiesField]: updatedCompanies, // Update companies field with all unique companies combined

[notesField]: updatedNotes, // Update notes with concatenated unique text

[attachmentsField]: mergedAttachments // Update attachments with all unique files combined



// Step 7: Delete duplicate records, keeping the main record

let recordsToDelete = duplicateRecords.slice(1).map(record =>;

await table.deleteRecordsAsync(recordsToDelete);



output.text("Duplicate records have been merged, with the most frequent values for single-line, single-select, date, checkbox, and attachment fields, along with unique tags, companies, and notes. Redundant records deleted.");

