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Hey Airtable Community! 

I’ve been your Community Manager for a couple of months now and I’ve loved getting familiar with the space, and seeing what gets you excited about Airtable. As we continue to shape the Airtable Community, we want to hear from you. This is your community, and we want your voices to be heard as we think about ways to improve the overall experience, and scope programs for you to participate in. 


What we’re looking for

We want to hear your ideas for community programming and improvements. This can encompass a wide range of topics, such as:

  • Feature Requests: Is there a community feature you've been wishing for? Share your ideas for how we can improve the community functionality and help you work more efficiently.

  • Learning Resources: Do you have suggestions for new tutorials, guides, or educational content that would help you master Airtable? Let us know!

  • Community Engagement: How can we foster better connections within the Airtable community? Share ideas on events, groups, challenges, or initiatives you'd like to see.

  • Improving Accessibility: If there are barriers to using the community that you've encountered, we're eager to address them and make the platform more accessible to all.


How to Share Your Feedback

In order to best review your feedback, we’re asking that all ideas please be submitted through our community feedback form. (For some of our Community OG’s, this form may look familiar! 🙂)

Your feedback and ideas will be carefully reviewed by our team to see how they align with our goals of making the community even more user-friendly, powerful, and engaging. Keep in mind that while we may reach out to some of you for additional insight on your feedback, every submission may not receive a response. 

I also want to acknowledge the effort it takes to submit feedback, so I thank you all in advance for any energy you put towards this.



It’s clear how passionate this community is about Airtable, and it’s because of each of you that this space has been brought to life. I can’t wait to get creative and improve the experience with your input in mind.


Thanks for being a great Community Manager, @MaddieJ! 🤗

I am going to fill out the form right now with the information listed below, but I just wanted to publicly share that my main issues are technical in nature:

1. The community forums do not work properly on Safari for Mac. Many of the dropdown menus do not work properly on Safari — "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" are the 2 big ones, but several of the other ones do not work either. The workaround is to just use Chrome for Mac instead, but Safari is the default web browser on the Mac, so it would be cool if the forums worked with Safari.

2. It would be great if we could use markdown text when creating posts. Currently, it is extremely tedious to hyperlink the text in our posts, because we have to stop typing, highlight the words, click on the link button (or press command-K/control-K) to bring up a dialog box, paste in the URL into the dialog box, then close the dialog box. In the old Discourse-based forums, we could just type markdown text like this: :text](link)

Thanks for being a great Community Manager, @MaddieJ! 🤗

I am going to fill out the form right now with the information listed below, but I just wanted to publicly share that my main issues are technical in nature:

1. The community forums do not work properly on Safari for Mac. Many of the dropdown menus do not work properly on Safari — "Subscribe" and "Unsubscribe" are the 2 big ones, but several of the other ones do not work either. The workaround is to just use Chrome for Mac instead, but Safari is the default web browser on the Mac, so it would be cool if the forums worked with Safari.

2. It would be great if we could use markdown text when creating posts. Currently, it is extremely tedious to hyperlink the text in our posts, because we have to stop typing, highlight the words, click on the link button (or press command-K/control-K) to bring up a dialog box, paste in the URL into the dialog box, then close the dialog box. In the old Discourse-based forums, we could just type markdown text like this: :text](link)

Oops, didn't mean to post that twice, but it isn't giving me a delete option! 😝

Noted, and I'll also take the feedback about deleting posts. Thanks Scott!

Thank you for your interest in feedback. 


First, let me say that I am posting from my phone and the mobile experience is horrible. I can see very little. I cannot format code. I cannot quote. Sometimes I can see only three to five lines of a very narrow column of text. 

I also have a lot of feedbsck fatigue from Scott and me providing a lot of feedback earlier and seeing very little changes. 

I also don't like having the feedback from people hidden in a private base. I think it is better if people can see what feedback other people provide. Maybe you could make a public shared view of entries? Users filling out the form could choose if their feedback is public or not. 

Hey @kuovonne, thanks for sharing your thoughts! I completely understand your feedback fatigue as I know you’ve submitted quite a bit in the past. I’ll log your items listed here in our feedback base so I can investigate. 

FWIW, I’m posting this comment from my phone as well to check out the mobile experience. If you’re willing, feel free to share more details about what you’re seeing through the feedback form so we can collect any screenshots and browser information to properly address. And note that I’m going to be doing a heavier audit of the mobile experience overall so I’ll probably find some of the things you’ve seen 🙂

Last, I want to note that the feedback form submissions are going to remain private for now but I hear your desire for more transparency. Ideally as folks submit their feedback, I’ll be able to address suggestions as we implement improvements. 

*cough* Bring back Discourse *cough*

I'd appreciate if we could seem some positive action within the Product Ideas, including feedback of whether an idea is in the works, or if it's being rejected then a reason as to why.

@MaddieJ Thanks for the reply. I almost didn’t see it. For some reason, I decided to check my notification feed, which I normally never do because it is usually full of stuff that I don’t care about. Anyway, I saw that you replied in my notification feed and decided to check out the thread. 

I doubt that I will be filling out the form. I’m sorry that you have to deal with that. I’ve thought about it, but if Airtable is committed to keeping Khoros, I just don’t see filling out the same form with the same info as before being worthwhile. I’m usually on my phone when interacting with this community. Taking screenshots and filling out a form on my phone is too much friction when I have little hope of things getting better with Khoros. 

Thanks for doing an audit of the mobile experience. Please include the following (off the top of my head, I’m probably missing stuff)

- typing code for formulas

- quoting previous posts

- viewing screenshot links

- typing replies with formula code while also viewing screnshots to try to type matching field names

- reading unformatted scripts posted by people where lines wrap much sooner than on desktop

- reading properly formatted code on a narrow mobile screen

- searching for replies made several years ago where you only know the poster name and maybe a keyword

- having ongoing conversations on multiple threads

For what it’s worth, I upgraded from an iPhone 6s earlier this year to an iPhone SE. But the screen size is the same. I use the default system browser.


Here are some screenshots showing what I mean about only seeing a few lines of text when typing a reply.

When I went back to my notification feed to try to find this thread to post the screenshot, the page said that I had no notifications. So I almost didn't bother. Then I decided to try reloading the page and the historic notifications showed up again and I had to scroll past the equivalent of two screens before I found the notification for this thread to get the link to this thread. It wasn’t two screens worth of content because the header is huge and not really content. 

And while I’m here, I still have to click the “login” button every time I visit this community.

@ScottWorld Well played 👏😁👍


The older one(Discourse) is more cleaner and it took less time to load content.

I've to log in again every time I open the community. Not sure if that happens to all of them or it's any issues from my browser side(cookies or session issues).


I'd appreciate if we could seem some positive action within the Product Ideas, including feedback of whether an idea is in the works, or if it's being rejected then a reason as to why.

Yeah, the lack of communication between Airtable and its customers has been a 💩💩 for many years now. Having a "product ideas" section with zero interaction or updates from Airtable is 🤡🤡. 

The top requested feature dates back to 2015 and almost has 500 comments... If you want to improve anything, I would suggest improving your presence on your own "forum". And I don't mean just 1 community manager (who is no doubt doing her best). 



Good call @dilipborad - constantly having to log in is an absolute pain! This should not be a problem in 2023.

@MaddieJ , is this view still being use btw? 

@MaddieJ Do you have any updates on the feedback that you have received (either through the form, in this thread, or elsewhere)?

Hey @kuovonne, and everyone who's following this thread,

Thanks for bearing with me as I scope all of these ideas. I have seen a few themes such as the mobile experience, time to log out, and y'all's desire for more engagement from our team. 

One reminder I'll share for everyone - this feedback form is for Community ideas only, not for Product ideas. Additionally, feedback submitted via the form will help speed up the process as I sift through 😊.

Thanks for taking the time to submit feedback and I'll have more to share soon.

@MaddieJ I tagged you in a few threads a few weeks ago with comments about using these forums, so that you could experience that functionality. In my replies where I tagged you, I gave some more thoughts about using this forum and suggestions for trying out the search. It was kinda of an experiment to see what you would do with that information, but it appears that you have not replied to those threads. Maybe you didn't see them? Or maybe you were just too busy?

Hey @kuovonne

Thanks for bumping this back up. Rest assured, I had eyes on your comments and I appreciate the examples supporting your feedback about coding via mobile and search improvements. I've taken note of them in the overall suggestions that I'm scoping and again, appreciate your patience 🙂

@MaddieJ Glad to hear that you found the breadcrumbs I left you. Did you try searching for any of the posts that I suggested searching for? What were your results?

Hey @Databaser, apologies as I missed your comment above about the "What's New" page. Yes, this view is still in use! 🙂 

@kuovonne I see what you mean about it being hard to find these old posts. I know how important it is to reference helpful posts and for others to be able to find them. Know that I'm actively working on this and will hopefully be able to chat with you about it soon!

Thanks @MaddieJ . I saw Airtable made an effort to update the list 😉
