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It’s here! You can now configure form fields so that they display or hide based on the submitter’s responses in previous fields.

Here’s how to use it in the form builder:

  1. Underneath the field title/description, turn ON the toggle switch labeled “Show field only when conditions are met.”

  2. Choose another field and the value or condition it should meet.

  3. Like with filters, you can add as many conditions as you’d like to a field.

And here’s some useful tips:

  • You can chain together multiple conditional form fields in a sequence—i.e., use one conditional form field as the condition for another form field

  • You can make conditional form fields required! When a conditional form field is set as required, it is hidden by default until its condition is met. Once its condition is met, the form will still require it to be filled for submission.

More information can be found in the conditional form fields support article.

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Discourse wants me to type a complete sentence for this post to go through…

OMG, April 28th is an amazing day! It’s Christmas in April!!!

All these amazing new features being released today!

WOO HOO!! :grinning_face_with_big_eyes: 🙌 👏

Oh, one little thing about forms: Please give us the ability to ADD NEW LINKED RECORDS from a form (instead of letting people choose from an existing list of linked records).

Thank you! 🙂

Thanks for adding a great features.

Can you share more about how pre-filling forms fits in with conditional form fields?

Is it possible to pre-fill fields that are only displayed if certain conditions are met?

If those pre-filled fields are never displayed, do the pre-filled values still get submitted?

Edited to add:

It looks like pre-filled fields will have their pre-filled values once they are displayed. However, if the pre-filled value is never displayed, it will not be submitted.

This is the best thing to happen for me all week!

This is an awesome feature. I’m having trouble with one thing though…when conditions are based on prefilled content in a field, it’s not working. e.g. if a prefilled field has the number “3” in it, drop-down a second field. Any tips?

When I pre-fill a form with conditional field, the first appearance when opening the link doesn’t match the condition setting.


  1. Prefilling “2” in field A (it’s one of the choice in a single select field),

  2. Setting field B visibility if field A = “1”

When I open the prefilled form URL, field B still appear. I have to manually change the single select field to something else and then back to “2”, then field B will off.

Thank you for this amazing feature !

As mentioned by the previous commenters, unfortunately conditions on prefilled fields do not work. Is it possible to fix that easily ?

We have exactly the same problem as @Ben_Baldwin, @EricWongMusic and @Erwan_Pannier – when prefilling a form, the conditional actions don’t trigger. In our use case, this makes the conditional field feature rather useless, unfortunately.

We have exactly the same problem as @Ben_Baldwin, @EricWongMusic and @Erwan_Pannier – when prefilling a form, the conditional actions don’t trigger. In our use case, this makes the conditional field feature rather useless, unfortunately.

Hello to everyone who brought up the issue with prefilled fields—thanks for bringing this up! I’ve escalated the issue to our product team and we expect to address it soon.

One more question: let us say I create a field that is shown only when the above is checked. Is it possible to automatically autofill in the background the field that do not show up (because the previous field that activate it is unchecked) with some characters like “no_info”?

One more question: let us say I create a field that is shown only when the above is checked. Is it possible to automatically autofill in the background the field that do not show up (because the previous field that activate it is unchecked) with some characters like “no_info”?

I wanted to add that: I tried to set a Default value for the field, but, if I do not “open” the conditional field, in the new record that is created after “submit”, the field is empty and not auto-filled with the Default value. Is it normal or it is a bug?

Hello to everyone who brought up the issue with prefilled fields—thanks for bringing this up! I’ve escalated the issue to our product team and we expect to address it soon.

Was this ever resolved?

We have exactly the same problem as @Ben_Baldwin, @EricWongMusic and @Erwan_Pannier – when prefilling a form, the conditional actions don’t trigger. In our use case, this makes the conditional field feature rather useless, unfortunately.

Hi Mark. This was from a while ago, but do you know if Airtable solved this where a prefilled field in a form can be used to configure conditional form fields?

Hi Mark. This was from a while ago, but do you know if Airtable solved this where a prefilled field in a form can be used to configure conditional form fields?

We gave up waiting for this to be fixed, so it’s not something I’ve looked at for several months.

Seems like this would be an intuitive, almost automatic feature, since conditional form fields are dependent on previous fields :face_with_raised_eyebrow: . Like you, it renders Airtable’s forms somewhat useless for me. It could have enhanced the user friendliness of conditional form fields, especially when records are associated, but need to be differentiated for different user inputs. Thanks for the update!

Seems like this would be an intuitive, almost automatic feature, since conditional form fields are dependent on previous fields :face_with_raised_eyebrow: . Like you, it renders Airtable’s forms somewhat useless for me. It could have enhanced the user friendliness of conditional form fields, especially when records are associated, but need to be differentiated for different user inputs. Thanks for the update!

the work around they provided is automations. You can use the when a form is submitted trigger to prefill it with static values, You can use the when a record matches conditions trigger if you need to prefill it with dynamic values.

the work around they provided is automations. You can use the when a form is submitted trigger to prefill it with static values, You can use the when a record matches conditions trigger if you need to prefill it with dynamic values.

im confused as to how your form is built you would need this functionality. maybe if your forms are that specific and dynamic its time for a portal.

Hello to everyone who brought up the issue with prefilled fields—thanks for bringing this up! I’ve escalated the issue to our product team and we expect to address it soon.

could we get an update from your product team?

im confused as to how your form is built you would need this functionality. maybe if your forms are that specific and dynamic its time for a portal.

Hi Rebecca. You may be right about a portal. I need fields that only show up, dependent on other table’s records. Ideally, from multiple tables to include user data and item data on the table where the form is located. I figured prefilling fields on a form would allow subsequent conditional form fields to generate the appropriate form fields for the condition(s). I’m afraid an automation occurs after the form is submitted, which wouldn’t populate the appropriate fields for users in the first place. What kind of portal would work in this case?

Hi Rebecca. You may be right about a portal. I need fields that only show up, dependent on other table’s records. Ideally, from multiple tables to include user data and item data on the table where the form is located. I figured prefilling fields on a form would allow subsequent conditional form fields to generate the appropriate form fields for the condition(s). I’m afraid an automation occurs after the form is submitted, which wouldn’t populate the appropriate fields for users in the first place. What kind of portal would work in this case?

im confused because i have had this work before. I just tested it and it does work. can I see your prefill URL?

im confused because i have had this work before. I just tested it and it does work. can I see your prefill URL?

Perhaps you can send me one of yours? I’ve already gone through this.

Perhaps you can send me one of yours? I’ve already gone through this.

just please please dont submit it lol

Form’ youll notice the loads field i prefilled and there are 8 timeslots open because loads is prefilled with 8. heres the formula CONCATENATE('' & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(Name)& '&prefill_LOADS='& ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({TOTAL TRUCKS}))

just please please dont submit it lol

Form’ youll notice the loads field i prefilled and there are 8 timeslots open because loads is prefilled with 8. heres the formula CONCATENATE('' & ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT(Name)& '&prefill_LOADS='& ENCODE_URL_COMPONENT({TOTAL TRUCKS}))

Did you prefill that with “8” or is that from a linked record?

Did you prefill that with “8” or is that from a linked record?

Nice! Can you pull prefilled fields from other tables for the same form, if you wanted to?
