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Hey All,

I am trying to add a button to an interface which will simply duplicate the existing record the interface is looking at.  The Interface is a quote builder and we often want to make different iterations of a quote for a customer.  I know we can simply go to the grid view, find the record, right click and duplicate the record, but I am trying to not give my sales team access to that level of data.  You know how sales teams are.  😉 

I imagine a script of some sort would work, but I'm more of a no-code guy, so I'm looking for some help.  Thank you for your time.

You can use an interface button that triggers an automation.
In the automation, use a "Create Record" action that creates a new record with all the same field values as the original triggering record. You might find that you actually want to set some fields to be blank or slightly different from the triggering record. If you want to have some fields be a variation of the original triggering record, you may need a formula field to calculate the value to be used in the duplicate (e.g. if the name field is single line text, and you want the new name to be the old name plus the word "copy", you would have a formula field to tack on the word "copy" so that text string is available to the automation.

Hm, I have an Interface with a Create Record Button—but when I click it, I want the interface to be showing the newly created record. Do I have to script this, and if so how?


You can use an interface button that triggers an automation.
In the automation, use a "Create Record" action that creates a new record with all the same field values as the original triggering record. You might find that you actually want to set some fields to be blank or slightly different from the triggering record. If you want to have some fields be a variation of the original triggering record, you may need a formula field to calculate the value to be used in the duplicate (e.g. if the name field is single line text, and you want the new name to be the old name plus the word "copy", you would have a formula field to tack on the word "copy" so that text string is available to the automation.

Thanks for the hint. 

But how do I populate the record with the values of the 'current record'? In the automation of Create record, I don't see how to do that. 

Your help would be appreciated!
