Very green user here. I have Airtable Free, and I have four tables in my base: Work Entries, Clients, Projects, and Invoices. I built my base by modifying the one presented here
Ultimately I want to be able to print an invoice file from a record of my choosing in the Invoices table, but for now the problem is...
How do I create an Automation that will populate the new Invoice record I create with a form? I want to have Automation take just the Client I select and a date I select in the form, go to the Work Entries table and look for all records for that Client AFTER the last invoice date for that client (invoice dates are in the Invoices table), and then sum all the Billable Amounts (in $) from the Work Entries table, summing only those Billable Amounts that are both for the Client I selected in the form, and between the last invoice date and the date I enter on the form.