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I have 3 tables Beijing, Shanghai and General in the same base. I want to auto copy/paste records from the first two to Table General when any records input in them. I created 2 automations with same triggers when a record enters a view and same actions to create record in Table General for Table Beijing and Shanghai respectively. I have 2 questions.

Question 1 - Automation BJ ran well but empty lines created without any data appearing. 

Input 2 lines of data in Table Beijing,

Automation BJ ran successfully (the first two at 10:21 and 10:22).

Line 3 and 4 were created but without any record in Table General.

Question 2 - Automations SH didn't run at all.

Input records in line 5 in Table Shanghai.

The automation didn't run at all even though it tested well.  

I did delete the automations and recreated new ones from scratch but they didn't work.

Can anyone help? Thanks

Hello @SharonLEE ,

I have a suggestion.
How about unifying the tables into a General table and filtering by city in the View?
It is difficult to maintain data consistency using Automation.

Thank you Sho! 

The table Beijing and Shanghai sync from other workspaces. 

Is there a better way than automation?


Multi-source Sync is possible if the fields are similarly configured.

Multi-Source syncing overview | Airtable Support

Multi-source Sync is possible if the fields are similarly configured.

Multi-Source syncing overview | Airtable Support

Thank you very much @Sho ! That's exactly what I want to do.
