Hello Airtable community,
I'm trying to build a light personal content management tool, and I would really value your help. I've tried to explain the situation and questions as clear as possible below, and appreciate your help. Please let me know if you'll need a clarification.
The database consists of (among others) the following tables:
- Industries: each record is an industry such as [it] and [hr]
- User: each record is a user with basic user info, and also fields like [language] and a linked field [industry] (from table [Industries])
- FeedPosts: each record is a content item from a rss feed, with fields such as [title] [text] [image] and a linked field [industry] (from table Industries)
- Content: this is the table where I need help for: see below
My challenge for the records in the table [Content]:
- Multiple records should be created: for each user with the same value for [Industry] which matches the value [Industry] from the [FeedPosts] table a record should be created
- Each record should contain:
- the [title] [text] [image] from the [FeedPosts] record
- a linked field to an user
- lookup values such as [language] from the [Users] table
One clarifying example:
- 7 users with [Industry] value = IT
- I create 1 [FeedPost] record with [Industry] value = IT
- ==> this should automatically lead to 7 news records in table [Content] with:
- the [title] [text] [image] from the FeedPosts record
- a linked field to the user from table [Users]
- lookup values such as [language] from the [Users] table
Can the above be done? My preference would be a non-coding out of the box Airtable functionality such as automations, but if you can help me with another solution such as Airtable scripting or make.com automation I'm also very greatfull.
Thanks for coming this far with reading, and thanks in advance for thinking along.