Thank you so very much for your kind help!! I’m hours deep into trying to figure this out and feel like I’m stranded on a raft in the middle of the ocean with no land in sight.
Here’s my head-scratcher… In one base, we have 4 tables. The first 4 cells in every record are identical across all 4 tables. After that, the field types and data changes for the remainder of the record. (We do production, so it’s the same 4 product details for each record on every table, and the different tables break down tasks for the same product at its 4 different phases of development.)
What I want to happen is that on the first table, when I enter new data in the first 4 cells, that same data is automated to magically appear on the next 3 tables. The reasons I’m going mildly nuts:
What should I set the automation at so that whenever I enter new data into the first 4 cells they automatically populate on the next 3 tables? (I know how to link them, but I still have to manually go and select them on the other 3 tables every time, which I want to automate.)
How can I link the first primary field, when there is no linking option? I couldn’t figure out a formula that would make it work. Do I just need to leave that blank (which means the calendar view won’t work on those)?
First one to save my sanity wins a free trip to Hawaii at their own expense! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Seriously, thank you for any help! I’m stumped. You’d be a life-saver!