I've read through other messages and some how-to's and I'm hitting a wall with on automation I have set up.
I have an automation set up to track my apartment cleaning tasks.
When a record is created in the Cleaning Tracker table [trigger], the automation:
1. finds the records in a different table (Rooms to Clean) to add the new task to where the name contains the same Month and Room/Area as the created record.
2. finds all the records in the Cleaning Tracker that have the same Month and Room/Area as the one just created
IF the record doesn't already exist:
create a new record in Rooms to Clean
IF the record does exist (record length >= 1)
update the record with all of the records that have the same Month and Room/Area
This automation works great with every room's task EXCEPT for bathroom tasks. Whenever a record with the Room/Area bathroom in it get's created, the automation fails at the update record step and kicks out an insufficient permissions error.
I'm the owner and only collaborator on this base, and since it works with all the other Room/Areas, I'm a bit stumped as to why this is causing a failure. Has anyone run into this before or have any ideas?
Thanks for reading!