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An automation is failing with the following error:

"field "ID" cannot accept the provided value: cannot modify a computed field"

The automation is supposed to create a new record in table "grants", when the "proposal" form is filled in. However, the automation fails to create an ID in the "ID" field in the "grants" table. 
What is strange about this error is that sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I don't know why.
Looking forward to your response.

Hi @dcdonal - Is the proposal form in the same table as grants? From what I can tell, you shouldn't need an automation to create a record in the grants table. Just submit the proposal form and the record will be created in the grants table.

Hi @dcdonal - Is the proposal form in the same table as grants? From what I can tell, you shouldn't need an automation to create a record in the grants table. Just submit the proposal form and the record will be created in the grants table.

Hi @salvadaor - no, the proposal form creates a record in the proposals table --no problem. But then an automation also runs which creates a record in the "grants" table. The error is happening when sometimes (not always) the automation fails to create a record in the grants table, due to the following error: "field "ID" cannot accept the provided value: cannot modify a computed field"

Let me know if this rings any bells for you

Hi @salvadaor - no, the proposal form creates a record in the proposals table --no problem. But then an automation also runs which creates a record in the "grants" table. The error is happening when sometimes (not always) the automation fails to create a record in the grants table, due to the following error: "field "ID" cannot accept the provided value: cannot modify a computed field"

Let me know if this rings any bells for you

Yeah, it does ring a bell. Can you provide more information on the inputs the automation receiving to create the records in the "grants" table? That error is usually created when you try to use fields that are formula fields OR fields which values are reliant on another field being filled out.

Yeah, it does ring a bell. Can you provide more information on the inputs the automation receiving to create the records in the "grants" table? That error is usually created when you try to use fields that are formula fields OR fields which values are reliant on another field being filled out.

Great! Yes, field "ID" (where we're getting the error) is a formula field. This is the code:


IF({Type} = "Bounty", "B", IF(Type = "Proposal", "P", IF(Type = "Apprenticeship", "A", "R"))) & IF(AN < 10, "000", IF(AN < 100, "00", IF(AN < 1000, "0", ""))) & {AN} "
So there are three different types feeding into this formula, from three different forms: "Proposal" (where we have the problem), "Bounty" and "Apprenticeship"--important to note that there is no problem with this formula producing the correct outputs when the input is from the "bounty" or "apprenticeship" forms--it only breaks if it comes from the "proposal" form. 
So this formula creates a code (eg B0234 for a bounty, or P0035 for a proposal) based on i) whether the input is a bounty, apprenticeship, or a proposal; and ii) the number (AN= automatic number) of the proposal. AN is an airtable counting metric, as far as I understand.
Again, the error only occurs with proposals.
 Does this make sense?
