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Hello fellow automation experts.

Need help in updating a filed but this automation has kept me up all night.

The senario is simple.
I have a task table called " Email Task" where i want to update status of that task from "not started" to "in progress" based on its date.

My automation is as follows

Here is the condition to find the records:

This step is working fine as seen below:

now here is what i need help with. do not know what i am doing here but final step wont run.

Thank you

Ah you need to put that "Update record" step inside a repeating group (

Hey @myusuf!

You can create the repeating group mentioned by @TheTimeSavingCo by clicking on "Add advanced logic or action". Furthermore, within the repeating group you should use the list of records found on your "found records" action as the input list.

Please let us know if you could solve your issue!

Mike, Consultant @ Automatic Nation 

Ah you need to put that "Update record" step inside a repeating group (

Thank you, it worked
