Here’s a solution but caveat - I have a concern that things will break down if you have duplicate song names …
In your first table (Pitching Status) create a new field which is a linked record field to the songs table at the same time select one additional look up field which is client contact details…
Create an automation that copies the song name field into this new field when the box is ticked
then this should connect the song id and the detail field in the pitching status table.
I hope this helps - but I am concerned about the overall structure of your database - and the labelling of your primary key / name field not just for this automation but also for the future integrity of the data
Best of luck
Here’s a solution but caveat - I have a concern that things will break down if you have duplicate song names …
In your first table (Pitching Status) create a new field which is a linked record field to the songs table at the same time select one additional look up field which is client contact details…
Create an automation that copies the song name field into this new field when the box is ticked
then this should connect the song id and the detail field in the pitching status table.
I hope this helps - but I am concerned about the overall structure of your database - and the labelling of your primary key / name field not just for this automation but also for the future integrity of the data
Best of luck
Thanks heaps Russell. I’ll look into it.
The table is a template from someone else, I’m just modifying it without much Airtable experience, hence my confusion.
Re the song names, the Song Name field in the table Pitching Status is a Lookup, so I don’t think there are duplicate song names fields, are there?
Thanks, Fiona