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I'm seeing conflicting info floating around and nothing within my account settings that indicates when my automation limit/usage resets.

And I hear 50 total unique automations triggers per Base is the limit, but there is a way to purchase/add more to our account?

Reset Usage:

  • My billing cycle appears to be on the 22nd and we are currently at 37,000/50,000 which seems unusually high in just a week, so it makes sense that it is the 1st of the month.
  • We are on the PRO plan
  • I've seen info saying it resets on the 1st and some on your billing date.
  • Can someone help?
  • I have a 40,000 run I need to do on my data base and am worried about using them all up today (13,000) and then being out of automations until my next billing cycle of 22nd.  That would be a problem, esp since we can't purchase more.

Total Unique Automation Triggers

  • I've hit my limit of 50 several times
  • Had to combine some, make them more efficient
  • Delete some
  • I read there is a way to purchase additional automations.  Anyone have a lead on how to do that?


Some links I found:


Note that some of the conflicting information you are getting is from community members versus from the Airtable support documentation.

I recommend you go with the information in the support documentation.

  • Automation runs reset on the first of the month.
  • It is NOT possible (at this time) to purchase additional automation runs.
  • It is NOT possible (at this time) to have more than 50 named automations in a single base (included automations that are turned off.

Some other notes:

  • Tests of automations do not count towards the run limit, and do not appear in the history.
  • In some cases when there has been a runaway automation, people have been able to explain the situation to support and get more automation runs before the end of the month.
  • Airtable recently introduced repeating action groups, which can be used to cut down on the number of automation runs.

If you need to perform 40,000 automation runs on a Pro workspace in a single day ...

  • See if you can use repeating action groups to redesign the system to use fewer automation runs.
  • See if you can use scripting to carry out the actions. Scripting extension (versus a scripting action) takes no automation runs, is free, and often is faster.
  • Use a different automation platform. Platforms such as Make allow you to purchase additional runs.
