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Apologies if this is already solved or discuss or I am just missing something obvious. 

I am trying to create a button on an interface that does the following: Run an automation that has a custom script, create a new record in a different table, and then navigate the user to different section of the Interface. I don't see any automation actions that would navigate the user. I do see that a button can be used on its own to navigate the user to a different section of the interface, but I don't see any way to combine these methods into one swift action. 

Is something like this possible? Thank you in advance for your help! 


Automations cannot navigate users to different sections of the Interface at this time I'm afraid

Automations cannot navigate users to different sections of the Interface at this time I'm afraid

Thanks! I had a feeling, but good to know before going down the rabbit hole trying to figure something out. 

Seems like it should be possible to add this functionality in the future given that buttons can already navigate to different sections of the Interface. 
