Hello. I have two tables. Project has a date field "submit date." It is linked by the "Project ID" field in Project to the "Project" field in timelines.. Linked records in the "timelines" table vary on category (color team), with one called "submit.". Each timeline entry has a date associated with it. When the "submit date" is updated in Project, it should update the "submit" entry for that project with the new date.
I am having difficulty making an automation for this.
Step 1: When a record is updated.
Step 2: Find records. Find records in the timelines table where the color team is "submit" and the project matches the project from the Projects table
There is something wrong with this step but I don't know what it is.
Step 3: Update record
This would update the submit date in the Timelines table, but I can't seem to get there.
Could I get some advice on how to finish this automation?