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  • Enter a role required to be at an event
  • Finds people associated with that role
  • Updates people required at the event

When I delete the role required, the automation seems to run twice and deletes the people required, but then adds everyone associated with that project, and when I check the Run History, it only runs once.

Any idea what's going on?  Thanks in advance

This is pretty difficult to troubleshoot without seeing how the automation's setup

Could you create a duplicate of your base with no records in it and provide a read only link? That will help a lot with helping you with this, and here's a guide on how to duplicate your base without records as well as providing a read only link:

This is pretty difficult to troubleshoot without seeing how the automation's setup

Could you create a duplicate of your base with no records in it and provide a read only link? That will help a lot with helping you with this, and here's a guide on how to duplicate your base without records as well as providing a read only link:

Here's the read-only link -

I don't think you can see the Automation, so I added the screenshots here

Thanks for your help.  🙏 


Here's the read-only link -

I don't think you can see the Automation, so I added the screenshots here

Thanks for your help.  🙏 


Thank you very much for the automation screenshots as well as the link!  I think the issue might be occuring due to the fact that, when we run the "Find Records" step with the "Role Categories Required" field empty, it returns everything in the "Casts and Crew" table

To overcome that I've created a conditional that checks whether it's empty, and if it is it'll just clear out the linked field:

Link to base

Should do what you need now I think!


I was thinking it was a conditional logic thing, but I couldn't find it.  Thanks so much!  ✌️ 
