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E.g. I want an automation be triggered every Monday OR over webhook.


Nope. Cannot be done with a single automation. You can have the main automation triggered by webhook. Then have a second automation that runs on a schedule and calls the webhook. That way the main logic is in only one place. But you still need to automations. 

example script step to call webhook. You should define variables for payload in the left panel of code editor. And set correct webhook URL, of course.

let config=input.config()

let payload=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config))


const WHCentral=''

const options={method:'POST',body:JSON.stringify(payload),headers:{'Content-Type': 'application/json'}}

const responce=await fetch(WHCentral,options);

const result=(responce.ok)? await responce.json() : responce.statusText;


