Add a formula that does something like this:
AND(DATEADD({Created Time field}, 24, "hours") < NOW(), NOT({Status})),
"Ready to Send"
^ The above formula will output “Ready to Send” if there is no Status yet (i.e. unsent) and the 24 hour period is up.
That way you could use an automation that is triggered by when a record meets condition ({Formula field} = “Ready to Send”) with a Send email action step.
NOTE: the NOW()
function updates every 5 minutes to an hour or so, so you won’t get notifications the instant 24 hours is up.
Add a formula that does something like this:
AND(DATEADD({Created Time field}, 24, "hours") < NOW(), NOT({Status})),
"Ready to Send"
^ The above formula will output “Ready to Send” if there is no Status yet (i.e. unsent) and the 24 hour period is up.
That way you could use an automation that is triggered by when a record meets condition ({Formula field} = “Ready to Send”) with a Send email action step.
NOTE: the NOW()
function updates every 5 minutes to an hour or so, so you won’t get notifications the instant 24 hours is up.
Ah brilliant, this looks great, will try it now