What I am trying to do is change the Status of a Project once the Status of all six associated tasks (in separate tables) are set to complete. I tried doing a formula approach with calculation fields (count) using this formula below (but the formula in the field gets cut in half once I save and close so its useless). I asked support if there was a character limit but they could not even answer that simple question.
I am not married to the formula approach, in fact I'd rather not do it that way and have 13 extra fields in the Project record. Is there anyone out there that knows how to do this?
Formula I created:
AND({Design Completed Tasks}={Design Total Tasks}),
AND({Email Total Tasks}={Email Total Completed Tasks}),
AND({Organic Social Total Tasks}={Organic Social Total Completed Tasks}),
AND({SMS Total Tasks}={SMS Total Completed Tasks}),
AND({Paid Social Total Tasks}={Paid Social Completed Tasks}),
AND({Content Total Tasks}={Content Completed Tasks}), "1")