Does the automation create new records in a different base or new linked records in a different table?
If it creates new linked records, can you have a rollup field that compares the linked records with the multi-select to determine if there are enough records?
Can you trigger the automation off the change in the multi-select instead of the button?
It could also be a matter of training. Automations are very slow compared to how fast users expect things to happen. It can take several seconds for an automation to run, and if a user isn’t sure if a button click “took”, the natural response is to click the button again. Can you train users to look for the “Started” toast that appears in the bottom left corner when an automation is started from an interface button?
Finally, there are ways to use scripting to get the automation run time and compare that to the last modified time. But that requires scripting and you still have to guess about the interval to wait. I would prefer other methods.
Thank you! The issue was that when I clicked the button I was updating a field with the now() function and comparing that to the last time the multi select was modified. Since the now() could have a lag of 10-60 minutes, is still allowed clicks and duplicate records.
After sleeping on it and thinking about your suggestions, I implemented the following solution. Essentially, I replaced the now() with a rollup function, looking at the time the new records were created and using the max of those times/dates....which is an accurate time of the last button click. The rest of the formula basically stayed the same!
Thanks again,
For anyone that may find this in the future, I used this as an excuse to start learning how to script in Airtable.
The problem I was running into was getting a now() timestamp when the automation button was cl
icked, as the now() function has a lag of 10-30 minutes before updating (So the timestamp would be 10-30 minutes early).
I wrote a very simple script to work around this to timestamp when the button is clicked:
let inputConfig = input.config();
let table = base.getTable("Projects");
await table.updateRecordAsync(inputConfig.RecordID,{
"Button Last Clicked": new Date()