Hello guys! I am new to Airtable, and have been absolutely amazed by it’s possibilities. However, there is one specific thing where I got completely stuck for several hours and no YouTube videos or Forum topics helped me get through.
I am practicing on a table for a Car Dealership. Each record has 5 columns with Car Details, and then a Single Select Field where we can choose from “Available”, “Reserved” and “Sold”.
Then I have another table called “Car Dealership Statistics”, and here I would like to count how many times my cars went into “Reserved” and how many times they went into “Sold”. These numbers can be different because people can abandon their Reservations and the car becomes Available again.
I wanted to tackle this with a Counter column, a Formula column ( Counter+1 ) and an Automation that increases Counter by Formula when the field = Reserved, and then same when field = Sold.
However, I keep getting the message in my Automation that the Formula column can not be used to Dynamically increase Counter because it is computed. Any ideas?