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So as we know, we can now enable the creation of records in tables that have been synced from other bases. It's great. Massive improvement. But can someone confirm for me whether we should be able to do the same using the Create Record action in Automations? Should spend my time doing a workaround or bug hunting? Because it isn't working for me.


I'm running into the same problem. I can create a new record in synced table manually, but the Create Record automation action insists it can't use that synced table because it is "synced from an external source."

can create new records in my synced table, but the automation is convinced it cannot.

Having the same issue here, would love to know if there's something simple I'm missing or need to create a workaround.

Same issue here. I reckon it's a limitation - kinda ruins the usefulness of synced for me. So much for upgrading to business....

I ended using Make to create the new record - annoying to have to go outside AT for something simple, but it did the trick 😊

Running into a similar thing where I'm getting an error when I try to use a synced table in a separate interface. I cannot toggle on "Add records through a form" or "Link/unlink records" because I get an error that users can't link/unlink existing records because this table is synced. I've got the syncs set up to allow for edits, but I guess it's a limitation, which is too bad. 
