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I use the found records automation to create my report and the date is in the correct format, her DoB is 10th July

But when I add this as a grid of records to the Send an Email automation, the DoB shows as 7/10/1953 i.e. 7th October.

and this is what arrives in the recipient's email. 



Might be a timezone issue.  Could you try setting your "DOB" field to "GMT/UTC" and see what the value is?

Hello Andy,

In case changing field settings does not work.

I have faced the same problem with automations when printing a date in a document or a mail. I solved this issue by adding a formula field in my table to format the date as I want it to be printed, for example 

DATETIME_FORMAT({Date},'DD/MM/YYYY')), and then use this field in my automation when printing to a document or a mail.

Might be a timezone issue.  Could you try setting your "DOB" field to "GMT/UTC" and see what the value is?

Can't see GMT/UTC option for our date fields. I tried the European one and that had no effect.

Hello Andy,

In case changing field settings does not work.

I have faced the same problem with automations when printing a date in a document or a mail. I solved this issue by adding a formula field in my table to format the date as I want it to be printed, for example 

DATETIME_FORMAT({Date},'DD/MM/YYYY')), and then use this field in my automation when printing to a document or a mail.

Thank you Pascal.

Can't see GMT/UTC option for our date fields. I tried the European one and that had no effect.

Ah, I completely misunderstood your problem, sorry about that!  Glad you got it sorted!
