Jun 24, 2022 06:23 AM
Hi all, I’m just learning Airtable but have a question I’m hoping you can help me answer.
I have 2 tables within the same base: Roadmap and Tasks.
I have high level milestones/delivery dates in the Roadmap and detailed Tasks within… you guessed it, Tasks. I keep the milestones from Roadmap in Tasks as well but managing between the two is a pain – I’d like to sync those specific records between the tables.
If I update the record in either table, those updates are carried automatically to the record in the other table.
Is there a way to label specific records in my Tasks table and have them sent to the Roadmap table automatically?
Jun 24, 2022 09:15 AM
Then why are these separate tables?
Jul 01, 2022 06:11 AM
Good question – you’re absolutely right. I guess I can just create a new View that filters out the ‘milestones’ to create a Roadmap view from the same table. Thank you, still learning this tool :slightly_smiling_face: