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I have created a form that we want to send to our customers with some data prefilled.

The form is working correctly when i follow the link from within the Airtable, however, when sending it in an email some of our links get changed. For example “?prefill_Company+Name=rec4C08RaU1jF9SZG” is changing to “?prefill_Company+Name=rec#C##RaU1jF#SZG”

It appears that all numbers are being changed to a ‘#’

Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance

Hi Jesse, could share some screenshots of your automation perhaps?

I’ve tried replicating this by creating a prefilled form URL via a formula field and sending it to myself via a “Send Email” automation action but wasn’t able to replicate the issue, so I figure the way I’ve got it set up is different from yours?

Link to setup

Hi Jesse, could share some screenshots of your automation perhaps?

I’ve tried replicating this by creating a prefilled form URL via a formula field and sending it to myself via a “Send Email” automation action but wasn’t able to replicate the issue, so I figure the way I’ve got it set up is different from yours?

Link to setup

Hi Adam,

Thank you for your response. I think i have just solved the issue.

I removed and reconnected the link in the email, as I had copied and pasted it, which I believe was causing the error.
