No, I have never had that problem. The search module works just fine. Post screenshots of your formula in Make.
No, I have never had that problem. The search module works just fine. Post screenshots of your formula in Make.
Hi @ScottWorld , here’s the formula in Make:

And here’s an instance of that formula in a dummy formula field called ‘test’ in my Airtable that successfully returned a value ‘1’ for a matching record. I’ve obscured email address info from this screenshot. In this particular example, its the REGEX_MATCH that is generating the ‘1’ result in Airtable because one a Value
in my array does match the value in my Forwarder match address
field :

Here’s the History for this execution in Make showing that this exact formula returned zero matches:

The view window truncates part of the formula, so here’s the text version taken from the ‘Download input bundles’ option in Make. I’ve used ******** to obscure the base ID and email address data in this formula.
"base": "********",
"view": "********",
"table": "********",
"formula": "OR(\n{BHID lower}=\\"********\\",\n{BHID lower}=\\"********\\",\n{email}=\\"******@*******.com\\",\nREGEX_MATCH(LOWER({Forwarder match address}), \\"(^|r\\\\s,])\\" & REGEX_REPLACE(REGEX_EXTRACT(LOWER(\\"********@********.com\\"), \\".*@\\"), \\"*-\\\\/\\\\^$*+?.()|\\\\\]{}]\\", \\"\\\\$&\\")))",
"maxRecords": 10,
"useColumnId": false
I’ve successfully used this Search Airtable technique in Make the past - I actually rely on it quite a lot, but it now seems intermittently broken…
I’m wondering could this be rate limit issue? Maybe some other kind of transient problem? Looking back through my service logs it seems this issue really started emerging after 01:41 UTC 4 October 2022.
I’m hoping some users here may have seen similar issues and found a way to diagnose and prevent it from occurring.
The only information Make provides on this problem execution is that zero results were returned by the Airtable API. Eg the output bundle log from Make shows only this:
"__IMTLENGTH__": 0
So that’s good that you’re not getting an error message… you’re just getting zero found records. So that means that your formula is valid.
You didn’t post the screenshot of your entire search module, but I can see from the input screenshot that you specified a view.
Assuming that you are already specifying the correct base & correct table, what about the view that you specified?
Are you 100% sure that the view you’re specifying contains the records that you’re looking for?
The view is optional, so it’s often best to leave it empty.
So that’s good that you’re not getting an error message… you’re just getting zero found records. So that means that your formula is valid.
You didn’t post the screenshot of your entire search module, but I can see from the input screenshot that you specified a view.
Assuming that you are already specifying the correct base & correct table, what about the view that you specified?
Are you 100% sure that the view you’re specifying contains the records that you’re looking for?
The view is optional, so it’s often best to leave it empty.
thanks Scott!
I had filtered the view that this scenario relies on, for an unrelated purpose.
That explains why the record could not be found.
Thanks very much for your reply - your question about View pinpointed the issue for me!
I didn’t realise View was optional - I’ve removed it now
You’re welcome! Glad I could help!
If you don’t mind, could you please mark my comment above as the solution to your question? This will help other people who have a similar question in the future, because it will rise to the top of the search results.
You’re welcome! Glad I could help!
If you don’t mind, could you please mark my comment above as the solution to your question? This will help other people who have a similar question in the future, because it will rise to the top of the search results.
Hi @ScottWorld, I encountered a similar problem but the “View” solution didn’t solve the issue for me.
Here is my search records setup in MAKE:

And my successful test containing the exact same formula in Airtable:

Do you have any idea what’s wrong here?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Take care!
AND(OR(FIND("Chicago, IL", {what is your local market? (from profile info)}), FIND("Yes, I'm willing to travel", {are you willing to travel? (from profile info)})), OR({main skill}="Audio - A1 (Audio Engineer)", FIND("Audio - A1 (Audio Engineer)", {secondary skills (optional) (from profile info)})))
Hi @ScottWorld, I encountered a similar problem but the “View” solution didn’t solve the issue for me.
Here is my search records setup in MAKE:

And my successful test containing the exact same formula in Airtable:

Do you have any idea what’s wrong here?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Take care!
AND(OR(FIND("Chicago, IL", {what is your local market? (from profile info)}), FIND("Yes, I'm willing to travel", {are you willing to travel? (from profile info)})), OR({main skill}="Audio - A1 (Audio Engineer)", FIND("Audio - A1 (Audio Engineer)", {secondary skills (optional) (from profile info)})))
If your formula in Make identically matches your formula in Airtable, then you’ll need to see if you’re feeding Make the right tokens (in blue).
You can also go to your history in Make to view the details of the run that didn’t yield the results you were looking for. Then take a look at what the actual information was that you sent to Airtable.
If your formula in Make identically matches your formula in Airtable, then you’ll need to see if you’re feeding Make the right tokens (in blue).
You can also go to your history in Make to view the details of the run that didn’t yield the results you were looking for. Then take a look at what the actual information was that you sent to Airtable.
Thank you for responding so quickly.
The problem is that when I look at the run history, I see that the information processed by Make is correct. If I simply copy and paste the information from Make to Airtable, the result is different:

I can’t figure out what’s going on here
Thank you for responding so quickly.
The problem is that when I look at the run history, I see that the information processed by Make is correct. If I simply copy and paste the information from Make to Airtable, the result is different:

I can’t figure out what’s going on here
If you copied and pasted the formula from Make into Airtable and you get a 1 in Airtable as the result, then I would double-check to make sure you’re referencing the correct base & correct table in Make. Be sure you’re not accidentally referencing a backup copy of your base or another similar table.
If that’s not the issue, then I wouldn’t know how else to guide you. Maybe try starting with a smaller formula or simplifying the field names to help troubleshoot where the problem might lie. Or reach out to Make support and see what they say.