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I'm a total novice with scripting and automation, so I had ChatGPT write a script. It looks right to me (I've double-checked the strings) and does not throw out any errors, but it is not having the desired effect on my base. 

Would love some pointers... Thanks in advance!

My goal is to run this each night to ensure that I'm only seeing the current month's transactions in my view, but never less than the seven days before or after today.
When I run the script, it finishes without error, but does not change my base and there is no output when testing the automation.



// Define the table and view

let table = base.getTable("Transactions");

let view = table.getView("All Transactions");

// Fetch records from the view

let query = await view.selectRecordsAsync();

// Get the current date

let currentDate = new Date();

let currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear();

let currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth();

let currentDay = currentDate.getDate();

// Helper function to determine if a date is within the current month

function isWithinCurrentMonth(date) {

return date.getFullYear() === currentYear && date.getMonth() === currentMonth;


// Helper function to determine if a date is within seven days of the current date

function isWithinSevenDays(date) {

let diff = Math.abs(currentDate - date);

let daysDiff = diff / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24);

return daysDiff <= 7;


// Loop through each record

for (let record of query.records) {

let status = record.getCellValue("Status");

let transactionDate = new Date(record.getCellValue("**Date"));

// Skip if the status is "Pending"

if (status === "Pending") continue;

// Determine the new status

let newStatus = status;

if (!isWithinCurrentMonth(transactionDate) && !isWithinSevenDays(transactionDate)) {

if (status === "Cleared") {

newStatus = `Archive ${transactionDate.getFullYear()}`;

} else {

newStatus = `${status} ${transactionDate.getFullYear()}`;



// Ensure the new status is a valid single-select option

let validStatuses = [

"Autopay", "Planned", "Cleared", "Pending",

"Archive 2024", "Archive 2023", "Archive 2022", "Archive 2021",

"Autopay 2024", "Autopay 2025", "Autopay 2026",

"Planned 2024"


if (!validStatuses.includes(newStatus)) {



// Update the record if the status has changed

if (newStatus !== status) {

await table.updateRecordAsync(, {

"Status": { name: newStatus }








Hmm, this seems like something you should be able to do with an automation, may I know what issues you faced with that? 

If you could provide a screenshot of some data and show what would and wouldn't be included I could see whether I can help!

Hmm, this seems like something you should be able to do with an automation, may I know what issues you faced with that? 

If you could provide a screenshot of some data and show what would and wouldn't be included I could see whether I can help!

Thanks for the response. You got me thinking and I realized I'm overengineering this. can just use a view to show the items that match the timeframe I'm wanting rather than trying to update the fields.
