Jul 23, 2024 07:15 AM
I'm afraid I couldn't find the correct Airtable documentation on this, please point me in the direction if there ready help somewhere.
In an automation I have a conditional logic step. In that I have two conditions to be be met. One is a "type" kind of single select field, which translates to "Mini Day" in this case. This works.
The other condition tries to look for text in a rollup field. Here is the problem, I can't get it to work and can't figure out how 'contain' works. In the preview field I can see the text I'm looking for, eg "Digi-Gold", but it doesn't work when tested.
Here's a screenshot of the view:
I also tried other text strings ('perusmaksu' and 'sessio') but nothing I tried works.
What are requisites for "contain" to work? How does it work? Can I use use one condition to find several text strings, e.g. "sessio OR gold"?
Jul 23, 2024 08:47 AM
Hello Bjorn,
It seems that the field "Ostettu tu..." called in you condition is a lookup field not a rollup one.
And maybe you made a lookup to an "array" type field.
If so, You have two solutions.
Solution 1: Define your lookup field to call a text field
Solution 2: Modify the Lookup field "Ostettu tu..." into a rollup field using the formula:
What I do not understand is why yo
Jul 23, 2024 09:46 AM
Hello @Pascal_Gallais- ,
Thank you for your reply. First off, sorry, indeed my mistake - the supposed rollup field is a lookup.
I can't change the fields to be looked/rolled up to text, since they are product codes. So I added a rollup table, the new one being to the right in this picture:
However, the condition doesn't still catch, whatever string I use (Perusmaksu, or sessio, or Digi-Gold). Here in the picture I tried 'Perusmaksu', the first word of the first string:
I can see Airtable identifies two items, thinking this mean the two strings. But it still fails.
Is there something in the way I use or understand "contain" that is wrong?
Jul 23, 2024 09:55 AM
Hello Björn,
when you added your rollup field, did you apply the formula ARRAYJOIN(values, ";")
Jul 23, 2024 07:09 PM - edited Jul 23, 2024 07:09 PM
@Pascal_Gallais-This one's pretty weird. Even with "ARRAYJOIN()" the conditional still seems to fail:
I also tried doing an `ARRAYJOIN(values) & ""` to try to force it to be a string, but that didn't work either. If I use them in a "Find Record" action it works though, they just work differently within a conditional check or something?
@0800-grizzlycould you try using a lookup field for this? With reference to the base I linked above, a lookup field seemed to work fine with the "contains" filter
Jul 23, 2024 10:59 PM
Hi @Pascal_Gallais- ,
I had not noticed that difference, sorry to say. Was still using ARRAYUNIQUE.
Tried now with ARRAYJOIN, but as @TheTimeSavingCo noted, it doesn't work either.
Jul 23, 2024 11:05 PM
Hi @TheTimeSavingCo ,
Thanks for joining :).
@Pascal_Gallais- and @TheTimeSavingCo, the field I from the start couldn't get to work with "contains" is a lookup field from another table.
Given this, I didn't @TheTimeSavingCo seem to be able point a new lookup field from the same table towards this one.
Has either of you found the documentation for how "contains" behaves in an automation condition?
Jul 24, 2024 12:28 AM
Hi Adam,
It is stange indeed since it works fine on my side. Only difference that I can see with your test is that I sepcified a separator in the ARRAYJOIN function, separator being a semi-comma in my test.
Jul 24, 2024 02:08 AM
Yeap, I tried it with a separator too, `ARRAYJOIN(values, ';')`, it still didn't work for me. I've set it up in the base I linked above if you'd like to check it out
@0800-grizzlyWeird! In the base I linked above the lookup field works with 'contains'. Could you provide a read-only invite link to an example copy of your base as well so I can see what I can figure out?
Any chance you could provide a read-only link to your base where it works? I'd love to figure out what's going on!
Jul 24, 2024 02:12 AM
@Pascal_Gallais- , I have the same separator as you, as I can understand.
NB! As said in my other post, the lookup/rollup source is a column in another table. Could that affect the behaviour?