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I don't understand from the documentation how to use the following filters properly:

  • filterIsAnyOf_
  • filterIsNoneOf_
  • filterHasAnyOf_
  • filterHasAllOf_

Can you help me?


`filterIsAnyOf_` and `filterIsNoneOf_` will be used in stuff like select fields:

While `filterHasAnyOf_` and `filterHasAllOf_` will be used in linked fields



Do you have an example of a shared view that you'd like to have filters on?

Thanks, this already clarifies a bit. How do I add multiple values to the url? I've tried several things, none worked. One example:<id>?filterIsAnyOf_Name=Name1+Name2

Thanks, this already clarifies a bit. How do I add multiple values to the url? I've tried several things, none worked. One example:<id>?filterIsAnyOf_Name=Name1+Name2

Hm, try<id>?filterIsAnyOf_Name=Name1&filterIsAnyOf_Name=Name2


This seemed to work for me.  Seems odd though that you'd have to repeat the function though, may want to open a support ticket to ask about it.  (I'd love to know what they say if you end up doing that!)
