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Oct 25, 2022 12:41 PM
In python and pandas I have the following dataframe:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 11 entries, 0 to 10
Data columns (total 8 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 tweet_id 11 non-null object
1 created_at 11 non-null object
2 source 11 non-null object
3 geo 0 non-null object
4 coordinates 0 non-null object
5 entities 11 non-null object
6 user 11 non-null object
7 text 11 non-null object
dtypes: object(8)
memory usage: 832.0+ bytes
I then made this routine to iterate through the dataframe and include data in a table in the Airtable, which have the same columns
headers = {
"Authorization": f"Bearer {AIRTABLE_API_KEY}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
def add_to_airtable(tweet_id, created_at, source, geo, coordinates, entities, user, text):
data = {
"records": [
"fields": {
"tweet_id": tweet_id,
"created_at": created_at,
"source": source,
"geo": geo,
"coordinates": coordinates,
"entities": entities,
"user": user,
"text": text
data = json.dumps(data, indent=4, sort_keys=True, default=str)
r =, json=data, headers=headers)
return r.status_code
for num, row in tweet_text.iterrows():
tweet_id = row['tweet_id']
created_at = row['created_at']
source = row['source']
geo = row['geo']
coordinates = row['coordinates']
entities = row['entities']
user = row['user']
text = row['text']
add_to_airtable(tweet_id, created_at, source, geo, coordinates, entities, user, text)
The script runs without errors. But it doesn’t add anything to the Airtable table
Please does anyone know what could be wrong?
The returned r.status_code is being 422
Below is an example of the date (the JSON) that I send
"records": [
"fields": {
"coordinates": null,
"created_at": "2022-10-25",
"entities": {
"hashtags": [],
"symbols": [],
"urls": [
"display_url": "\u2026",
"expanded_url": "",
"indices": [
"url": ""
"user_mentions": []
"geo": null,
"source": "Twitter for iPhone",
"text": "queria que essa vagabunda dessa ex \u201cjornalista\u201d da record que faz propaganda pro bolsonaro tomasse um t*ro na boca\u2026",
"tweet_id": "1585051831402909696",
"user": "User(_api=<tweepy.api.API object at 0x7f8a5249d120>, _json={'id': 197990491, 'id_str': '197990491', 'name': 'irm\u00e3 vape', 'screen_name': 'matheusisonline', 'location': 's\u00e3o paulo', 'description': 'tonelzinho de plut\u00f4nio', 'url': '', 'entities': {'url': {'urls': [{'url': '', 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '\u2026', 'indices': [0, 23]}]}, 'description': {'urls': []}}, 'protected': False, 'followers_count': 251, 'friends_count': 295, 'listed_count': 13, 'created_at': 'Sun Oct 03 01:32:35 +0000 2010', 'favourites_count': 112504, 'utc_offset': None, 'time_zone': None, 'geo_enabled': False, 'verified': False, 'statuses_count': 100136, 'lang': None, 'contributors_enabled': False, 'is_translator': False, 'is_translation_enabled': False, 'profile_background_color': '1A1B1F', 'profile_background_image_url': '', 'profile_background_image_url_https': '', 'profile_background_tile': True, 'profile_image_url': '', 'profile_image_url_https': '', 'profile_banner_url': '', 'profile_link_color': '000000', 'profile_sidebar_border_color': 'FFFFFF', 'profile_sidebar_fill_color': 'FFFFFF', 'profile_text_color': '000000', 'profile_use_background_image': True, 'has_extended_profile': True, 'default_profile': False, 'default_profile_image': False, 'following': False, 'follow_request_sent': False, 'notifications': False, 'translator_type': 'none', 'withheld_in_countries': []}, id=197990491, id_str='197990491', name='irm\u00e3 vape', screen_name='matheusisonline', location='s\u00e3o paulo', description='tonelzinho de plut\u00f4nio', url='', entities={'url': {'urls': [{'url': '', 'expanded_url': '', 'display_url': '\u2026', 'indices': [0, 23]}]}, 'description': {'urls': []}}, protected=False, followers_count=251, friends_count=295, listed_count=13, created_at=datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 3, 1, 32, 35, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), favourites_count=112504, utc_offset=None, time_zone=None, geo_enabled=False, verified=False, statuses_count=100136, lang=None, contributors_enabled=False, is_translator=False, is_translation_enabled=False, profile_background_color='1A1B1F', profile_background_image_url='', profile_background_image_url_https='', profile_background_tile=True, profile_image_url='', profile_image_url_https='', profile_banner_url='', profile_link_color='000000', profile_sidebar_border_color='FFFFFF', profile_sidebar_fill_color='FFFFFF', profile_text_color='000000', profile_use_background_image=True, has_extended_profile=True, default_profile=False, default_profile_image=False, following=False, follow_request_sent=False, notifications=False, translator_type='none', withheld_in_countries=[])"