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So, with my limited scripting and Java skills I've been trying to set up a script that will call a webhook so I can later trigger something there. I managed to set up the basic ping but I came across the ideal of sending some record ID's I need which can save me a step later on.

My error is surrounding inputConfig and how to parse it into the JSON body (I guess?)

The error most likely lies in line 4 and 5, hopefully it's understandable what I'm trying to get done. For line 4 and 5 I also tried "" but that simply sends over the whole thing and not the input I setup in the script (picture attached below)


let inputConfig = input.config();

let body = {

"ping": "Survey Ping",




let response = await fetch('', {

method: 'POST',

body: JSON.stringify(body),

headers: {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"Accept": "application/json",



console.log(await response.json());



Hey @Manuel-Tanco

Give this a shot:


const config = input.config();

const { company_id, contact_id } = config;

const body = {

ping: "Survey Ping",

company_id: company_id,

contact_id: contact_id


const url = "";

const options = {

method: "POST",

headers: {

"Content-Type": "application/json",

"Accept": "application/json"


body: JSON.stringify(body)


let data = await fetch(url, options)

.then(response => {


return response.json();




As some additional insight into why your original script wasn't working, you were trying to insert the values of inputConfig.contact_id and inputConfig.company_id using template literals, but you forgot to properly enclose the values inside of backticks. So you'd switch it from this:

let body = {

"ping": "Survey Ping",

"company_id": ${inputConfig.contact_id},

"contact_id": ${inputConfig.company_id}


To this:

let body = {

"ping": "Survey Ping",

"company_id": `${inputConfig.contact_id}`,

"contact_id": `${inputConfig.company_id}`


You actually don't have to do this at all. You can actually just simply invoke the properties without enclosing them inside of the template literals like this:


let body = {

"ping": "Survey Ping",

"company_id": inputConfig.contact_id,

"contact_id": inputConfig.company_id


Okay understood, I was having a hard time trying to get synced with the correct way of writing it down. Thank you @Ben_Young1 !
