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let table = base.getTable("Cashflow Grid (Sales Pipeline)");

let inputConfig = input.config();

let record = inputConfig.record;

let mmyy = inputConfig.mmyy;

let i = 0;

const table2 = base.getTable("Cashinflows")

const fieldName = "Name"

const queryResult = await table2.selectRecordsAsync({fields: ["Name", "Record_ID"]})

const ids = queryResult.records.filter(record => (

record.getCellValueAsString(fieldName) == mmyy



output.set('Cashinflows_Record_ID', ids[0].id);

let id1 = ids[0].id;


for (let records of record) {

let recordId = record[i];


await table.updateRecordAsync(recordId, {'Cashinflows x 1st AZ': [{id: id1}],})

i = i+1;







Hey @Sannit_Vartak

As soon as your action will be to run the script I would recommend to update the script so it will find the records by it self (you could use a specific view for that) and then add a loop in your script to run for every record. 

Combining Find action with Script running as you added it on your screenshot can't run. 

Yours sincerely,

Dimitris Goudis

Can you say a little more about what you want to accomplish with the script, where the script came from, and what is not working the way you want?

There are a few things about this script that make it hard to read. For example, this line:

for (let records of record) {

Normally in a loop of this sort, you would name your variables so that the singular variable refers to a single item and the plural variable is an array of items. However, in this case your variable with a singular name refers to an array while the plural variable refers to a single element of that array. Yet you are not even using the records variable in your code after it is created.

