I am working on a database with info taken from an old access database. There are five Tables.
Every one of them has a number assocated with a record along with a name or description.
Contacts: Contact ID, First Name, Last Name
College: College ID, College Name
Products: Product ID, Description
On the Contacts table I created a new forumula field that joins the Contact ID, First and Last Names to make Field "Name | Contact ID"
This method was followed for the other tables.
When I want to link the contact to the college on the Contacts Table, I have the original College ID field (that came from Access) but I want to link the "College ID | School Name". So, I can see the original College ID and I have to type for what / search for the number and automatically have it populate with the correct school
I want to write a script or something or an automation that looks that the data in the College ID column and goes and finds the matching College ID | School Name data and inserts it.
Can that be done?