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Hey guys,

I have a database with tables

A - Products

B - Vendors

C - Requests from clients.

B is linked to A

C is linked to A

I want to give clients option to send request about specific product. An introduction to the vendor.

I have a form for clients to post request about specific product in A and that goes to my table C.

In that form, I have automatic pre-fill of the form with selected product from A.

So inside table C data about clients - email / message / which product they asked for.

I want to sent and auto email to the client and the vendor of the product.

I have used automation to send email when new record gets created in table C and it work good.

But I don’t know how to automatically get email to my table C if a new request is created.

So in table C I have linked records from A - a product name. Can I automatically import vendor email based on that? I could put the vendor email into A table but don’t know how to import that automatically?

Any ideas if that’s possible?

Sounds like Table A (Products) just needs a Lookup field to bring in Table B (Vendors)’ email.
