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Desired outcome: When someone enters our blood donation center (no appointment needed) the front desk looks them up in the donors table and changes their “last visiting date” to today. I want to add a record that shows their new visit and insert the changed date into a date field in a (growing) “visits” table.

I created a simple automation: When record is updated in “donors” table, create new record in “visits” table.

Date Field to watch: “visit date” (this is the last date a visitor arrived)

Action: Create new record in different table and add “visit date” into date field.

Weird/unexpected behavior: the date added is 1 day earlier than the chosen date.

Hi @Tom_Steenhuysen and welcome to the community!

I know that the difference in timezones between data storage in Airtable and what you get to see visually, can differ and have that effect.

Check this post for example.

Hi @Tom_Steenhuysen and welcome to the community!

I know that the difference in timezones between data storage in Airtable and what you get to see visually, can differ and have that effect.

Check this post for example.

Thank you. This helped me get to the root of it.

I also found this post that made it even simpler.
