Hello! I use Airtable for organizing my blog. Once arthile are ready, Airtable send an email to Wordpress (postie amazing plugin! ) for creating the next post.
I woul dlike to automate the posting time. On my blog, I have 8 time slot per day, monday to Friday, so in total 40 new post per week.
I would like that once I select a checkbox, an automation insert the publication data in the "pubblication Date" field according to the next available slot.
I have tried creating a table with the available calendar (all the available time for the different time of the week) and a stack that increase by one, every time I select the checkbox, but unfortunatly I was not able to proceed further with automation.
Does anybody have any idea on how to solve the problem with an easy and effetive solution (I think to use an automation is the right approach, but my coding capacity are almsot zero..)
Thank you very much in advance to anybody would give me a suggestion on how to solve the problem.