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Hi everyone,

We have many automations that send an email to a member of staff when the automation is triggered.  That member of staff has left and I now want all of those automations to go to another  member of staff.  Is there a way that I can search through all the automations to find every instance of that email address being used so I can then manually (or automatically) update the email address with the new name?

I've searched around and I haven't been able to find a way to do this without going into every automation individually... 



No, this is not possible with Airtable’s automations.

A workaround to this would be to create global variables (aka global fields), and reference those global variables instead of hardcoding the values into your automations.

However, Airtable doesn’t natively offer global variables, so you would need to hack that together yourself using the global variable tricks that I demonstrate on this Airtable podcast episode:

Alternatively, you can rebuild your automations with Make’s advanced automations for Airtable, which natively offers global variables, and also offers hundreds of other advanced features that Airtable doesn’t natively offer in its own automations.

If you go down Make path, I’ve assembled a bunch of Make training resources in this thread:



Many thanks Scott for your prompt reply full of alternatives! 😁  Much appreciated.


You’re welcome! Glad I could help! 😀
