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I am a sports coach and I use Airtable extensively for planning coaching activities and recording athlete results.

I have created an Airtable environment where I can plan training themes on a weekly level and use the weekly plan to support the planning of the day’s training. I have a table where one record has information of the planned training week kTable: Week themes]. I give the date of the planned week to record and the formula calculates the week number from it.

On the side of the individual training plan nTable: Daily plan] I enter the training day and the same formula calculates the week number there.

Now I would like to use an automation that would link the records containing the same weekly number to each other. I have tried to create automation in several different ways without success. Could someone help me with this?



Hi Mikko, so you’re trying to link the records from Daily Plan to Week Themes right?

If so, I think I would create an automation which would trigger when a record in Daily Plan was not linked to a record in Week Themes and had a week number calculated for it

It would then do a Find Record action to look for records in Week Themes that match the week number, and then update the original record’s linked field with the list of record IDs from the Find Record action

I’m not entirely sure I understood what you’re trying to do though, so if I’ve got it wrong could you provide some screenshots of your base as well as point out where I’ve misunderstood?


just like that…

I think my problem is that I don’t know how to configure the Find Record action to find the correct week.


just like that…

I think my problem is that I don’t know how to configure the Find Record action to find the correct week.


it’s like my first Automation problem 🙂 )

choose ‘Condition’, move slider right, press wheel, choose Dynamic.


it’s like my first Automation problem 🙂 )

choose ‘Condition’, move slider right, press wheel, choose Dynamic.

Thank You!

Got it right with your and @Adam_TheTimeSavingCo ´s help

