I work for a manufacturer that deals with many SKUs of products. We have a form to let designers know when new products are being ordered so they can check and make sure if any packaging needs to be updated. When we place an order, we typically order multiple SKUs at a time. Currently the form has a field where the submitter has to place the SKU numbers separated by a comma (10001, 10002, 10003, etc).
Ideally I would love for the data to separate the single record into multiple records by those SKU numbers. So 10001 would have its own record, 10002 the same, so on and so forth. All of the other information on the form would be the same in the record, it would just be easier for us to track and update everything if they records were separated.
I saw some other posts on here doing similar things, but not exactly what I'm looking for. Also open to doing this a completely different way if that would be easier. I'm guessing this would take some coding to make happen and thats definitely not my strong suit .
Thanks! Happy to provide more information if that would help!