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Hi all,

We're working with a List view interface where users use the relatively new manual sorting feature to create a list of approx. 30 materials that make 1 product. I've added an automation to copy these materials over to another product, which works fine except for the sorting.

When running test runs with the automation, I noticed that the automation's 'Sort list' step, when set to sort by the 'Manual sort' field, gives a different result than the List view (or data view).

In data view, I've copied the 'Manual sort' values into a single line text field and applied the same sorting to that field instead of the 'Manual sort' field. This results in yet another different sorting (which seems most logical to me, placing 'bXa' above 'bXWV' in an ascending list).

I've attached images of the automation setup and the different results in data view. I hope this helps clarify the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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