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Our County Council use Airtable to record prospects for home energy efficiency work.  The local energy advise organisation uses Airtable to track the energy efficiency work done with those prospects who live in its local area. (I configured both systems)

Both organisations have pro plans, but are completely separate legal entities.

I need to move records between the two.  I know I could download to a .csv and import the data to the other base, but there must be a more elegant solution and I am wondering if other people have addressed this requirement.






Hi Margaret
Is the Sync feature something that would help? See


Hi Margaret
Is the Sync feature something that would help? See


I don't think you can sync between different work spaces unfortunately.

I don't think you can sync between different work spaces unfortunately.

Hi Margaret, you can sync between two workspaces, but I reckon you might be on Enterprise accounts which have enhanced security settings

If they're one offs, CSVs would be the simplest as you've pointed out

If they're consistent updates, you'd probably use something like Make or Zapier to ensure updates are synced, or write your own script to run via automations
