Hey coding wizards. My company is using Airtable forms to manage customer orders inside of a club. When a new customer fills out a form, there is an “Email Address” field as well as a “Confirm Email Address” field. After the form is completed, an Automation sends an order confirmation email to the customer with the mailto: address being the “Email Address” field. But occasionally a customer will mistype their email address which will result in an Automation failure, requiring me to send the order confirmation manually. Since Airtable has yet to implement verification fields, I just use the backup email address and hope it’s correct.
I want a script that I can include into the automation that acts as an IF() statement. The logic being:
IF email automation results in a failure (aka the email address does not exist), then repeat the automation using “Confirm Email Address” field.
I feel like this could be a useful script for many service-driven workspaces in this community. If this is a simple integration I’d really appreciate any assistance since I don’t have coding experience. If not, if there’s anyone who can offer their services I’d be interested in learning more. Thanks!