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I have a field called ID, and it's an autonumber field.  I cannot get it to display in my email.  I've tried creating a formula field with it, too, with some prepended text and tried adding &"", too, which was suggested somewhere.  I can add the Airtable record ID with no problem and other formula fields and have them included in the text of the email.  But anything I do with my ID field will not show up in the email.  The test data does have an ID in the ID field and a value in the ID Text formula field.  Any help will be greatly appreciated!

Hm, I just tried this and it seemed to work fine for me:

Sorry I can't help, but perhaps you can use it as a comparison thing?
Link to base

Thanks for responding.  I see that your message contained the data (1) for that field.  My value won't show up in the message.  I'll keep looking!



Thanks for responding.  I see that your message contained the data (1) for that field.  My value won't show up in the message.  I'll keep looking!



Roger that, best of luck!  Happy to take a look at it for you if you'd like, just DM me an invite to your base

Roger that, best of luck!  Happy to take a look at it for you if you'd like, just DM me an invite to your base

Oh, I went back to this today and see that the difference is that your auto-number name field is the primary field  and mine isn't.  

Oh, I went back to this today and see that the difference is that your auto-number name field is the primary field  and mine isn't.  

Hm, I don't think that should make a difference actually, but whatever works!

SOLVED:  The problem was that one CANNOT test with GENERATE a PREVIEW of the contents of an autonumber field contained in the automated email.  It doesn't retrieve that value for some reason.  Once I made up a dummy record and ran the Test Automation that sends an actual email to someone, I saw that the value appears in the delivered email.
