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I have a database where the first table is the registrations, then I have four more tables with their own forms. I want people that registered in the first one, to find their name in the other forms instead of filling it out again. So what I need is for the the name of the records from the first table (registration), to automatically populate a dropdown menu in the other four forms. Do you know an automation to do that?

Hiya! Use the "Link to another Record" field. This will allow users to find and select records they already have made in another table.

Let me know if this helps

Thank you! It worked by Linking it to another record!

yes we know, you can contact to us

  1. Use Foreign Keys (SQL Database): Link tables with foreign keys so each form’s dropdown pulls names from the registration table.

  2. Airtable/Notion: Use Linked Records in Airtable or Relations in Notion to automatically pull names from the registration table into dropdowns in other forms.

  3. Google Sheets + Forms: Use Google Apps Script to pull names from the registration sheet and auto-update dropdowns in your Google Forms.

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