I am using Airtable's "Project Tracker" template which has two tables: 📝 Tasks, timelines, and assignees and 👀 Overview.
I adapted the template to my team's needs. I want to accomplish the following,
- I want my team to update the status column in the 📝 Tasks, timelines, and assignees table.
- This table is organized so your tasks are grouped by project. There will be multiple tasks per project.
- In the Overview table, you can see the projects.
- The 👀 Overview table has a status column (or field) that should automatically update to COMPLETE, when all tasks under the project in the 📝 Tasks, timelines, and assignees have a status marked to COMPLETE.
I'm not even sure if this is possible or how to go about doing this. Any ideas?
Screenshot of the 📝 Tasks, timelines, and assignees table highlighting how tasks are organized by project and the status column.
Screenshot of the Overview table. This view is organized by Project Name. In the card, it has a Status field/column. I want this Status field to automatically update IF all the statuses have been marked complete for that project in the other table.
Using the screenshots as an example,
- If all tasks under Project "Brand refresh and redesign" in the📝 Tasks, timelines, and assignees table meet the criteria of their statuses being marked "Complete", then the status for the same project in theOverview table should be automatically updated to "Complete".