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Hello! Wondering if someone knows why this is happening- 

I am trying to mimic a script I use in another base, and I've just realized why it's not working. In my other base, I can set the 'record' but in the second, this field doesn't exist. 

What am I missing? 

Here it is in the base where it works, where Record exists

And in the base where it doesn't work, where record doesn't appear as a field:

You have to set your input values for input.config() in the left margin of the “run script” action.

— ScottWorld, Expert Airtable Consultants

What are the triggers for the two automation? Is one of them a scheduled automation?

Try clicking "Edit code":

Then "Add input variable":

Then set it up there:

After that's done your automation should look like this:


THANK YOU!!! Missed that part when my tutor helped me set up the other one. 
