I wrote this code and it works perfectly as I want in Script extension but in Automation it is a mess.
The first part of the code works fine in automation but not the second part, so only the second part needs to be adjusted. Here is the whole code :
// first part of the cod
let poTable = base.getTable('PO');
let transpoTable = base.getTable('Output');
let poRecords = await poTable.selectRecordsAsync();
let transpoRecords = await transpoTable.selectRecordsAsync();
let artikelDatumQtyMap = {};
for (let poRecord of poRecords.records) {
let artikelID = poRecord.getCellValue('Artikel ID');
let eta = poRecord.getCellValue('ETA');
let qty = poRecord.getCellValue('Qty');
if (artikelID) {
let artikelIDMatch = artikelID.match(/^(\d+)$/);
if (artikelIDMatch) {
let artikelIDNumeric = artikelIDMatch[1];
let artikelColumn = `I ${artikelIDNumeric}`;
if (!artikelDatumQtyMap[eta]) {
artikelDatumQtyMap[eta] = {};
if (!artikelDatumQtyMap[eta][artikelColumn]) {
artikelDatumQtyMap[eta][artikelColumn] = 0;
artikelDatumQtyMap[eta][artikelColumn] += qty;
let transpoUpdates = [];
for (let transpoRecord of transpoRecords.records) {
let datum = transpoRecord.getCellValue('Datum');
let updateFields = artikelDatumQtyMap[datum];
if (updateFields && datum) {
await transpoTable.updateRecordAsync(transpoRecord, updateFields);
// Second part of the code
let columnNames = transpoTable.fields.map(field => field.name);
for (let columnName of columnNames) {
if (columnName.startsWith('I ')) {
let recordsArray = transpoRecords.records;
let firstNonEmptyCell = recordsArray.find(record => record.getCellValue(columnName));
if (firstNonEmptyCell) {
let firstValue = firstNonEmptyCell.getCellValue(columnName);
let updates = [];
let total = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < recordsArray.length; i++) {
let transpoRecord = recordsArray[i];
let cellValue = transpoRecord.getCellValue(columnName);
if (cellValue !== null) {
total += parseFloat(cellValue);
id: transpoRecord.id,
fields: {
[columnName]: i >= recordsArray.indexOf(firstNonEmptyCell) ? total : null
if (updates.length >= 50 || i === recordsArray.length - 1) {
await transpoTable.updateRecordsAsync(updates);
updates = [];
The result that I want and that I get in the extension is this :

but I get this when I run it in automation:

I noticed that the extension and automation doesnt run the same way but i don't know what to change to make it work like in the extension.
Thank you 🙂